Welcome to Beachstays

a pair of sunglasses, sitting in the sand on a very sunny day with a blue background that could be the water

Visit Guyana

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a photo of the inside of a cabin over looking the water, with a lamp a couch and chairs all visible in the photo
a photo of two white cabins on the water, with trees and a cloudy sky in the background
a photo of a white house, surrounded by trees and wood, with a deck walking up to it
a photo taken from on a beach facing a large, 3 level home, with stairs leading up to it, surrounded by trees and bushes
photo of a house taken from the ground looking up, the house is white and orande and there are leaves from a palm tree coming into the left of the frame

Plan Ahead

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Harum eum facere eaque fugit? Magni, adipisci alias nobis tempore maxime enim doloribus corporis vero repellendus consequuntur aut? Voluptatibus, ipsa?

New Location

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Harum eum facere eaque fugit? Magni, adipisci alias nobis tempore maxime enim doloribus corporis vero repellendus consequuntur aut? Voluptatibus, ipsa?

a photo looking down on a rocky bay with bright blue water and trees near the shore